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- *ay̓
- *aɫp
- *cin
- *qʷuʔ
- *tal-mix
- *wənaʔx̌
- *yumač
- *yətəwan
- Alki Point
- Appendix:months
- April
- August
- Baker River
- Barney Lake
- Bernie Sanders
- Burlington
- Changer
- Clear Lake
- Clinton
- Concrete
- Day Creek
- December
- Deception Pass
- Diaper Child
- Duwamish
- Edison Slough
- Entiat
- Everett
- February
- Hamilton
- Hillary Rodham Clinton
- January
- July
- June
- Kiket Island
- Lake McMurray
- Lake Sammamish
- Langley
- Limpet Rock
- Lushootseed: The language of the Skagit Nisqually, and other tribes of Puget Sound, an Introduction: Book I
- Main Page
- March
- Marysville
- May
- Moon When Frog Talks
- Moon of the Blackberry
- Moon of the Digging Time
- Moon of the Dog Salmon
- Moon of the Elk Mating Cry
- Moon of the Falling Leaves
- Moon of the Sacred Time
- Moon of the Salal Berry
- Moon of the Salmonberry
- Moon of the Silver Salmon
- Moon of the Whistling Robins
- Moon of the Windy Time
- Moon to Put Your Paddles Away
- Mount Pilchuck
- Mount Rainier
- Mount Vernon
- Mukilteo
- Nisqually
- Nookachamps River
- November
- October
- Pa-lath-chu
- Pilchuck River
- Puyallup
- Samish Island
- Samish River
- Sample Entry
- Seattle
- Sedro-Woolley
- September
- Skiyou Slough
- Snoqualmie Falls
- Squaxin
- Sterling
- Stillaguamish
- Suiattle
- Sumas
- Swadhums Creek
- Swinomish
- T-Bone Ridge
- Transformer
- Translations wanted
- Tulalip
- Warner Prairie spring
- a
- ac
- ad
- adbad
- adčəgʷas
- alive
- anadromous fish
- and
- ash
- ashes
- asleep
- at
- axʷ
- ay
- ay̓
- b
- bad
- balaɫqʷuʔ
- basq̓ixʷixʷ
- baʔ ləčʼxʷu
- be
- bibščəb
- big
- black bear
- bracken fern root
- branch
- bulb
- bš
- bəc̓adᶻali
- bədaʔ
- bədəʔ
- bək̓ʷaʔkʷbixʷ
- bəlalwəʔ
- bəlups
- bəqsəd
- bəqɫtiyuʔ
- bəsbəsič
- bəshikʷigʷilc
- bəsikʷigʷilc
- bəsq̓ixʷixʷ
- bəščəb
- b̓
- c
- cagʷič
- cagʷičəd
- capaʔ
- carrot
- cat
- chair
- child
- chum salmon
- cisxʷiʔxʷtʼil
- climb
- close
- cut
- cəlac
- cəlaɬ
- cəlaɬabš
- cəlusəd
- c̓
- c̓olsxʷaya
- c̓əbal̓qid
- c̓əkʷiʔ
- c̓əkʷiʔxʷ
- c̓əlalikʷ
- d
- daughter
- dawaylib
- dbad
- dbədaʔ
- deer
- der-bottom
- didgwálič
- didgʷálič
- diɫ
- diʔ
- diʔabac
- diʔadiʔ
- diʔalətxʷ
- diʔayucid
- diʔilgʷiɫ
- diʔucid
- door
- dqəqsiʔ
- dried salmon roe
- dsk̓ʷuy
- dukʷibəɫ
- duqʷač
- duqʷəčabš
- duwabš
- duʔayus
- dwell
- dxʷdᶻəlaykʷ
- dxʷgʷiʔt
- dxʷkʷiƛ̓əb
- dxʷliləp
- dxʷləbiʔ
- dxʷqəlb
- dxʷshudičup
- dxʷx̌ʷiləb
- dxʷšišəlc̓əb
- dxʷəyəb
- dxʷʔaha
- dxʷʔal
- dxʷʔəyəb
- dxʷʔəčuʔb
- dčəgʷas
- dəwʔ
- dəwʔabš
- dəwʔayus
- dəč̓uʔ
- dᶻ
- dᶻal
- dᶻalqaʔabš
- dᶻaq
- dᶻidᶻəlal̓ič
- dᶻəlači
- dᶻətgʷad
- dᶻətgʷadac
- dᶻəɫigʷəd
- eat
- elk
- esteemed
- examine
- fall
- father
- favorite uncle
- febrero
- firepit
- five
- from where
- g
- girl
- go
- go upstream
- grandfather
- great-uncle
- gʷ
- gʷat
- gʷədil
- h
- haw̓əʔ
- he
- hikʷ
- hiqab ɫəx̌
- house
- husband
- həliʔ
- i
- in
- into
- k
- kabəlči
- kagali
- kaw̓qs
- kikiyalus
- kikiyalusali
- king salmon
- kʷ
- kʷagʷičəd
- kʷatač
- kʷi
- kʷsi
- kʷuʔkʷuʔtali
- kʷədad
- kʷəsyu
- k̓
- k̓ʷ
- k̓ʷak̓ʷt̓ad
- k̓ʷedad
- k̓ʷik̓ʷəlilc
- k̓ʷəš
- l
- lab
- lay down
- laʔb
- live
- log
- lə
- ləbədiʔa
- lətəyil
- l̓
- m
- man
- mink
- moccasin
- moccasins
- mother
- mourn
- mouse
- my
- m̓
- n
- navel
- no
- n̓
- on
- other room
- other side
- over there
- p
- palaɫchuʔ
- pastəd
- pastəducid
- pišpiš
- play
- porpoise
- potato
- potlatching
- puppy
- puyaləp
- pədgʷədbíxʷ
- pədkʷəxʷic
- pədstəgʷad
- pədt̓aqaʔ
- pədxʷit̓xʷit̓il
- pədxʷíč̓ib
- pədx̌aʔx̌aʔ
- pədx̌ʷiw̓áac
- pədčáʔəd
- pədƛ̓xʷáyʔ
- p̓
- p̓ic̓ikʷ
- p̓q̓ac
- p̓q̓adᶻ
- p̓əq̓ac
- q
- qada
- qebuʔiʔł
- qəbuʔ
- qəbuʔlaɫ
- qəbuʔtxʷ
- qəlbalqʷuʔ
- qəlx̌
- qələb
- qəqsiʔ
- qʷ
- qʷaliʔ
- qʷaq̓ʷ
- qʷataš
- qʷaʔ
- qʷsyuʔ
- qʷsyúʔ
- qʷuʔ
- qʷəni
- qʷəqʷaliqs
- qʷəsyuʔ
- qʷəɫayʔ
- qʷɫayʔ
- q̓
- q̓ilbəc̓
- q̓əxʷšəd
- q̓ʷ
- q̓ʷaʔq̓ʷab
- racoon
- raven
- red cedar tree