
From Lushootseed Wiki Dictionary
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word analysis: from Proto-Salish *cin ("mouth")
lexical suffix
  1. body of water
  2. mouth
  3. language

Number of times this entry has been verified against the sources, including at the time of creation: 1
In general, an entry with a higher number of verifications and sources may be considered more reliable.


  • 1994, Dawn Bates, Thom Hess and Vi Hilbert, Lushootseed Dictionary, ISBN 0-295-97323-4, University of Washington Press, p. 243
  • 1995, Thom Hess, Lushootseed Reader with Introductory Grammar. Vol. 1: Four Stories from Edward Sam, ISBN 9781879763111, University of Montana Occasional Papers in Linguistics, no. 11, Missoula: University of Montana, pp. vii
  • 2002, Aert H. Kuipers, "Salish Etymological Dictionary", University of Montana Occasional Papers in Linguistics, no. 16, ISBN 1-879763-16-8, p. 203